Apple Schools

Running shoe shape.

APPLE Schools works with underserved school communities to provide early intervention for the development of lifelong learning and establishing healthy choices at a young age. Healthy kids learn better—students in APPLE schools show a 35 per cent increase in physical activity, eat 10 per cent more fruit and vegetables and are 40 per cent less likely to be obese than in comparison schools. APPLE Schools empowers students to make healthier food choices, engage in more physical activity, and nurture their self-esteem, which ultimately paves the way for enhanced academic achievement and a better foundation of skills to cope with future challenges.

We are proud to support Apple Schools and their vision to create sustainable change in the community. Apple Schools works with 95 schools across the province and improves the mental health habits, healthy eating and physical activity for more than 35,000 students.

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I've learned how to remain calm even though the world around me is sometimes spinning."